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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToApprove 65473197 2024-12-14 13:06:48 3 mins ago 1734181608 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00142748 27.44536949 Approve 65473132 2024-12-14 13:04:30 5 mins ago 1734181470 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00108655 31.34902656 Approve 65473049 2024-12-14 13:01:34 8 mins ago 1734181294 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00175534 33.95260276 Approve 65472905 2024-12-14 12:56:28 13 mins ago 1734180988 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00170964 33.06853217 Approve 65472666 2024-12-14 12:48:00 22 mins ago 1734180480 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00156281 30.18646284 Approve 65472623 2024-12-14 12:46:28 23 mins ago 1734180388 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00171697 33.15655064 Approve 65472619 2024-12-14 12:46:20 23 mins ago 1734180380 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00155594 30.05379252 Transfer 65472596 2024-12-14 12:45:32 24 mins ago 1734180332 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00158723 30.22842196 Transfer 65472572 2024-12-14 12:44:40 25 mins ago 1734180280 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00237188 66.94202458 Approve 65472572 2024-12-14 12:44:40 25 mins ago 1734180280 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00509304 97.80778494 Approve 65472492 2024-12-14 12:41:50 28 mins ago 1734180110 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00155836 30.10052497 Approve 65472455 2024-12-14 12:40:32 29 mins ago 1734180032 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00153405 29.63103248 Transfer 65472432 2024-12-14 12:39:44 30 mins ago 1734179984 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.0014141 26.93114998 Approve 65472369 2024-12-14 12:36:58 33 mins ago 1734179818 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00153043 29.5954428 Transfer 65472360 2024-12-14 12:36:38 33 mins ago 1734179798 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00155448 29.59123487 Approve 65472210 2024-12-14 12:31:20 38 mins ago 1734179480 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00142062 27.44 Approve 65472207 2024-12-14 12:31:12 38 mins ago 1734179472 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.0015376 29.69265245 Approve 65472090 2024-12-14 12:26:57 43 mins ago 1734179217 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00138921 26.83325621 Approve 65472033 2024-12-14 12:24:57 45 mins ago 1734179097 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00157029 30.19095225 Approve 65472018 2024-12-14 12:24:25 45 mins ago 1734179065 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00142114 27.4500879 Approve 65471992 2024-12-14 12:23:29 46 mins ago 1734179009 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00156154 30.2039229 Approve 65471969 2024-12-14 12:22:38 47 mins ago 1734178958 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00089977 30.20607059 Approve 65471962 2024-12-14 12:22:22 47 mins ago 1734178942 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00089992 30.21089985 Approve 65471887 2024-12-14 12:19:42 50 mins ago 1734178782 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00131496 41.27326608 Approve 65471879 2024-12-14 12:19:26 50 mins ago 1734178766 IN 0 POL$0.00 0.00213693 41.28545579 Loading...LoadingSimilar Match Source Code
This contract matches the deployed Bytecode of the Source Code for Contract 0x7d3fA4bA...a97bBF313The constructor portion of the code might be different and could alter the actual behaviour of the contractContract Name:UChildERC20Proxy
Compiler Versionv0.6.6+commit.6c089d02
Contract Source Code (Solidity)
- interface IERCProxy
- - function proxyType()
- - function implementation()
- - function delegatedFwd(address _dst, b ...
- - function proxyType()
- - function implementation()
- contract UpgradableProxy is Proxy
- - function proxyOwner()
- - function loadProxyOwner()
- - function implementation()
- - function loadImplementation()
- - function transferProxyOwnership(addre ...
- - function setProxyOwner(address newOwn ...
- - function updateImplementation(address ...
- - function updateAndCall(address _newPr ...
- - function setImplementation(address _n ...
- - function isContract(address _target)
- contract UChildERC20Proxy is Upgra ... *
/** *Submitted for verification at polygonscan.com on 2021-06-09 */ // File: contracts/common/Proxy/IERCProxy.sol pragma solidity 0.6.6; interface IERCProxy { function proxyType() external pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId); function implementation() external view returns (address codeAddr); } // File: contracts/common/Proxy/Proxy.sol pragma solidity 0.6.6; abstract contract Proxy is IERCProxy { function delegatedFwd(address _dst, bytes memory _calldata) internal { // solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly assembly { let result := delegatecall( sub(gas(), 10000), _dst, add(_calldata, 0x20), mload(_calldata), 0, 0 ) let size := returndatasize() let ptr := mload(0x40) returndatacopy(ptr, 0, size) // revert instead of invalid() bc if the underlying call failed with invalid() it already wasted gas. // if the call returned error data, forward it switch result case 0 { revert(ptr, size) } default { return(ptr, size) } } } function proxyType() external virtual override pure returns (uint256 proxyTypeId) { // Upgradeable proxy proxyTypeId = 2; } function implementation() external virtual override view returns (address); } // File: contracts/common/Proxy/UpgradableProxy.sol pragma solidity 0.6.6; contract UpgradableProxy is Proxy { event ProxyUpdated(address indexed _new, address indexed _old); event ProxyOwnerUpdate(address _new, address _old); bytes32 constant IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT = keccak256("matic.network.proxy.implementation"); bytes32 constant OWNER_SLOT = keccak256("matic.network.proxy.owner"); constructor(address _proxyTo) public { setProxyOwner(msg.sender); setImplementation(_proxyTo); } fallback() external payable { delegatedFwd(loadImplementation(), msg.data); } receive() external payable { delegatedFwd(loadImplementation(), msg.data); } modifier onlyProxyOwner() { require(loadProxyOwner() == msg.sender, "NOT_OWNER"); _; } function proxyOwner() external view returns(address) { return loadProxyOwner(); } function loadProxyOwner() internal view returns(address) { address _owner; bytes32 position = OWNER_SLOT; assembly { _owner := sload(position) } return _owner; } function implementation() external override view returns (address) { return loadImplementation(); } function loadImplementation() internal view returns(address) { address _impl; bytes32 position = IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT; assembly { _impl := sload(position) } return _impl; } function transferProxyOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyProxyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "ZERO_ADDRESS"); emit ProxyOwnerUpdate(newOwner, loadProxyOwner()); setProxyOwner(newOwner); } function setProxyOwner(address newOwner) private { bytes32 position = OWNER_SLOT; assembly { sstore(position, newOwner) } } function updateImplementation(address _newProxyTo) public onlyProxyOwner { require(_newProxyTo != address(0x0), "INVALID_PROXY_ADDRESS"); require(isContract(_newProxyTo), "DESTINATION_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_A_CONTRACT"); emit ProxyUpdated(_newProxyTo, loadImplementation()); setImplementation(_newProxyTo); } function updateAndCall(address _newProxyTo, bytes memory data) payable public onlyProxyOwner { updateImplementation(_newProxyTo); (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = address(this).call{value: msg.value}(data); require(success, string(returnData)); } function setImplementation(address _newProxyTo) private { bytes32 position = IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT; assembly { sstore(position, _newProxyTo) } } function isContract(address _target) internal view returns (bool) { if (_target == address(0)) { return false; } uint256 size; assembly { size := extcodesize(_target) } return size > 0; } } // File: contracts/child/ChildToken/UpgradeableChildERC20/UChildERC20Proxy.sol pragma solidity 0.6.6; contract UChildERC20Proxy is UpgradableProxy { constructor(address _proxyTo) public UpgradableProxy(_proxyTo) {} }
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Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingImplementation contract (with similar match contract ABI) at 0xad3b0017de2065cbeff6655fa7a83b42b9e4a3ce, using the EIP-897 DelegateProxy concept.Learn more about proxy contracts in our Knowledge Base
Loading...LoadingImplementation contract (with similar match contract ABI) at 0xad3b0017de2065cbeff6655fa7a83b42b9e4a3ce, using the EIP-897 DelegateProxy concept.Learn more about proxy contracts in our Knowledge Base
Aave is an open source and non-custodial liquidity protocol for earning interest on deposits and borrowing assets.
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Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value POL 41.57% $100,922 0.0579 $5,843.23 POL 31.89% $378.18 11.8528 $4,482.5 POL <0.01% $0.00924 20.8091 $0.1922 OP 13.14% $3,872.73 0.477 $1,847.29 ETH 11.39% $377.62 4.2413 $1,601.6 ETH 0.02% $0.601802 4.0396 $2.43 BSC 1.48% $378.29 0.5483 $207.4 BSC 0.23% $1 31.6338 $31.63 BSC <0.01% $0.60195 1 $0.6019 ARB 0.19% $3,872.29 0.00684776 $26.52 FTM 0.09% $1.24 10 $12.43 GNO <0.01% $0.999844 0.0025 $0.0025 [ Download: CSV Export ]A contract address hosts a smart contract, which is a set of code stored on the blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.
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The compiled contract might be susceptible to MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess (low-severity), AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup (medium-severity), DirtyBytesArrayToStorage (low-severity), NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation (very low-severity), SignedImmutables (very low-severity), ABIDecodeTwoDimensionalArrayMemory (very low-severity), EmptyByteArrayCopy (medium-severity), DynamicArrayCleanup (medium-severity), MissingEscapingInFormatting (very low-severity), ArraySliceDynamicallyEncodedBaseType (very low-severity), ImplicitConstructorCallvalueCheck (very low-severity) Solidity Compiler Bugs.
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